Fun Facts
Goats are four legged mammals. They are typically white and they bleat like a sheep.

Goats are amazing creatures that are said to have discovered something that has changed the face of the earth. This substance is coffee. Goats were said to have found small pits like cherry seeds. When the goats ate them, they became all energetic,hehe.
A fun fact about goats is that, like dogs, they can learn certain words like their names! It is also said that Abraham Lincoln was said to have liked goats...
Things different about goats:
- The pupil of a goats eye is not round like normal- it is vertical
- Goats, unlike other animals, can't stand the rain
- Although Goats are not the most smart looking animals that meet the eye... their personality and qualtities prove otherwise. They are very intelligent and are able to recognise fellow goats and friends
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